Blick= n+1 (part 1, 2005)
Hidden in some styrofoam boxes I built, I let myself be transported to different public squares in Karlsruhe, from where I took several pictures with a very restricted point of view. Additional to that I gathered pictures of the boxes from the outside and pictures that only show the inside. During the performance I was very interested to see at what point an object passes unnoticed and starts to collaborate with the environment. Or: at what point is “a thing” becoming suspicious or disappears as irrelevant.

Blick= x+1 (part 2, ongoing)
Further on I use the shot material to work on the disappearance of pictures. I use and re-use the taken pictures by placing them in different contexts in public, then taking pictures of the temporary installations and integrating those for the next “exhibition”. This process is also a process of disappearance as the starting point of the pictures, -the performance-, gets more and more covered up by the growing number of pictures.
[1] pictures of pictures, b/w

[2] pictures, hung

[3] pictures, hung, model

[4] pictures Uckermark

[5] pictures advertising column

[6] pictures hung (salon hang)

[7] picture, billboard

[7] pictures, humanoid

[8] one picture, cloth in classic exhibition situation: groupexhibition at “Matjoe – Raum für Kunst”, Cologne 2020