betweenlines (2009)
Not a recorded text, but a text printed on a long paper strip that follows the lines of the floor in my apartment. I had written it concerning the notion of reading and reading between the lines; it rested there for one week. I removed it by inviting people for some kind of “Finissage”, the invitation asked to bring the book one was currently reading or, in case that there was none, one would like to read, – otherwise there would be no entry into the apartment
The books being of all kinds, were asked to be placed in an appropriate place within the text installation by the owner. Thus the text-paper strips were cut -according to the size of the book- and the installation became dissembled.

Ein eigener Text im loop, der sich als ein durchgehender Papierstreifen durch meine Wohnung zog. Die Installation löste sich auf, indem Freunde auf meine Anfrage hin mit dem Buch zu Besuch kamen, das sie gerade lasen. Der Streifen wurde an der Stellen unterbrochen, wo jeder sein Buch in den Text platzierte.